A simple example: a double counter
add10 : SYSTEM
x , y : VAR nat
x < 10 ---> x ::= x + 1 []
(x = 10 and y < 10) ---> y ::= y + 1 []
y >= 10 ---> y ::= y - 1 []
(y = 0 and x > 0) ---> x ::= x - 1 []
INITIALLY : x = 0 and y = 0
END add10
2 tivially valid TCCs due to the fact that x and y are positive numbers
are generated for system add10 :
add10_Tcc_1 : y>=10 => y-1>0
add10_Tcc_2 :y=0 and x>0 => x-1>0
We want to prove that x<=10 and y<=10 is an invariant of the system add10.
Four valid verification conditions are generated:
VC_1 : OBLIGATION (x<=10 and y<=10) and x < 10
implies (x+1<=10 and y<=10)
VC_2 : OBLIGATION (x<=10 and y<=10) and (x = 10 and y < 10)
implies (x<=10 and y+1<=10)
VC_3 : OBLIGATION (x<=10 and y<=10) and y >= 10
implies (x<=10 and y-1<=10)
VC_4 : OBLIGATION (x<=10 and y<=10) and (y = 0 and x > 0)
implies (x-1<=10 and y<=10)
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