Artist Summer school - Verification of UML models with IF
This course is hold in the context of the
Artist Summer school taking place September 29 - October 2, 2005 in
Naesslingem, Sweden.
Title: Verification of UML models with timing constraints with
Speaker: Susanne
This talk will give an overview on the IF, an open validation platform for
asynchronous timed systems such as telecommunication protocols or
distributed embedded applications. The IF toolbox is built upon a
specification language based on timed automata with urgency extended
with discrete data variables, various communication primitives,
dynamic process creation and destruction. This language includes most
of the concepts allowing the direct representation of modeling and
programming languages for distributed systems like SDL, UML or Java,
as well as extensions allowing the expressions of timing
Here, we will focus on the use of IF for the validation of real-time
properties of UML models. A short overview on the considered UML
profile and the mapping principles from UML to IF will be presented,
as well as the way in which semantic variations of the profile are
anticipated. Then the usefulness of the UML profile for modelling of
real-time systems and their properties, and the use of the IF toolset
for their validation will be demonstrated on hand of one or two
case studies. In particular, we will show the use of the considered
UML profile for the validation of deployment related propserties such
as scheduling and timely access to a shered bus.
This talk is related to the talk on
Component-based modeling of real-time systems
the program ). Several of the concepts
presented in this talk have been implemented in IF and have shown
their usefulness for obtaining faithful and direct mappings of
high-level modeling languages.
A list of related documents and links :
- There are the presented slides
- The webpage of the IF
verification platform containing links to manuals, downloadable
code, case studies and contains also
a tutorial.
Below a few papers on the IF language and tool
and the theory behind:
- The paper presented at CAV 2002
explains the difference to the older versions of the language and the tool
- The paper presented at SFM summer school
2004 gives a complete overview on the IF language and the tool
- This paper which has been published in Information and Computation
introduces timed automata with urgency which are the version of timed
automata used in IF
- This paper which has been presented at the Symposium FMCO 2003 shows the expressive
power of priorities. Indeed, priorities have been very helpful for the
mapping of different high level formalisms to IF.
- The webpage of the Omega
project in which the considered UML profile and the UML
interface IFx for IF have been developed.
Below a few papers on the UML
profile, in particular the real-time extensions and the work
in connection with the IF tool. Overviews on all work done in
Omega can be found on the Omega home page.
- This paper which is
being published in STTT gives an overview on the
mapping from UML to IF, the IFx frontend and one of the case studies
- This paper which is
being published in STTT explains in details the
real-time extensions of the UML profile.
- This paper
presents a case study carried out in the context of the Omega project
and is to be presented at the MARTES
workshop. Another case study is in this paper,
and the Omega web page gives an
overview on all case studies
The slides:
the technical slides as a single file: slides in pdf
Susanne Graf
Last modified: Sun Aug 21 11:51:21 MEST 2005