Publications 2000
Academic Journals
- Marius Bozga, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Lucian Ghirvu, Claude Jard, Thierry Jéron, Alain Kerbrat, Pierre Morel, Laurent Mounier. Verification and test generation for the SSCOP protocol. Sci. Comput. Program, 36(1):27-52, 2000. (more)
International Conferences
- Jean-Pierre Krimm, Laurent Mounier. Compositional State Space Generation with Partial Order Reductions for Asynchronous Communicating Systems. In Proceedings of TACAS'00, Pages 266-282, 2000. (more)
- Marius Bozga, Susanne Graf, Alain Kerbrat, Laurent Mounier, Iulian Ober, Daniel Vincent. SDL for Real-Time: What is Missing?. In Proceedings of SAM'00: 2nd Workshop on SDL and MSC (Grenoble, France), Pages 108-122, June 2000. (more)