Test and run-time verification
Academic Journals
- Yliès Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier. What can you verify and enforce at runtime?. STTT, 14(3):349-382, 2012. (more)
- Yliès Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand, Laurent Mounier. More testable properties. STTT, 14(4):407-437, 2012. (more)
- Sifakis Emmanuel, Mounier Laurent. Politiques de gestion de protections pour l'implémentation de sections critiques. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 31(8):1153-1181, 2012. (more) download
- Ylies Falcone, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Jean-Luc Richier. Runtime enforcement monitors: composition, synthesis, and enforcement abilities. Formal Methods in System Design, 38(3):223-262, 2011. (more)
- Vianney Darmaillacq, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Roland Groz, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Luc Richier. Tester la conformité d'un réseau à une politique de sécurité. Revue de l'electricité et de l'Electronique (REE), 6, 2006. (more)
International Conferences
- Laurent Mounier, Emmanuel Sifakis. Dynamic Information-Flow Analysis for Multi-threaded Applications. In Proceedings of ISoLA, Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7609, Pages 358-371, Heraklion, Greece, 2012. (more)
- Sofia Bekrar, Chaouki Bekrar, Roland Groz, Laurent Mounier. A Taint Based Approach for Smart Fuzzing. In Proceedings of SecTest, Giuliano Antoniol, Antonia Bertolino, Yvan Labiche (eds.), Pages 818-825, 2012. (more)
- Sanjay Rawat, Laurent Mounier. Finding Buffer Overflow Inducing Loops in Binary Executables. In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE), Pages 177-186, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, 2012. (more)
- Sifakis Emmanuel, Mounier Laurent. Politiques de gestion de protections pour l'implémentation de sections critiques. In Actes des Rencontres du Parallélisme (RenPar), Saint Malo, France, 2011. (more)
- Sanjay Rawat, Laurent Mounier. Offset-Aware Mutation based Fuzzing for Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities: Few Preliminary Results. In Proc. of The Second International Workshop on Security Testing (SECTEST), 2011. (more)
- Dumitru Ceara, Laurent Mounier, Marie-Laure Potet. Taint Dependency Sequences: A Characterization of Insecure Execution Paths Based on Input-Sensitive Cause Sequences. In ICSTW '10: Proceedings of the 2010 Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops, Pages 371-380, Washington, DC, USA, 2010. (more)
- Sanjay Rawat, Laurent Mounier. An Evolutionary Computing Approach for Hunting Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities: A case of aiming in dim light. In Proceedings of 6th EC2ND (European Conference on Computer Network Defense, Berlin, Germany, 2010. (more)
- Ylies Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand, Laurent Mounier. More Testable Properties. In Proceedings of ICTSS - 22nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Alexandre Petrenko, Adenilso da Silva Sim\ ao, José Carlos Maldonado (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (best paper award), Volume 6435, Pages 30-46, Natal, Brazil, November 2010. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier. Runtime Verification of Safety Progress Properties. In Runtime Verification 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume, Grenoble, France, June 2009. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier. Enforcement Monitoring wrt. the Safety-Progress Classification of Properties. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Software Verification and Testing Track, 2009. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier. Synthesizing Enforcement Monitors wrt. the Safety-Progress Classification of Properties. In International Conference of Information System Security, Volume LNCS 5352, Pages 41-55, Hyderabad, India, December 2008. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Jean-Luc Richier. j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing. In Model-Based Testing (MBT), Budapest, Hungaria, April 2008. (more)
- Keqin Li, Laurent Mounier, Roland Groz. Test Generation from Security Policies Specified in Or-BAC. In IEEE COMPSAC'07, Bejing, China, July 2007. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Luc Richier. A Compositional Testing Framework Driven by Partial Specifications.. In TESTCOM/FATES, June 2007. (more)
- Yliè Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Luc Richier. A Test Calculus Framework Applied to Network Security Policies.. In FATES/RV'06, Pages 55-69, Seattle, USA, July 2006. (more)
- S. Bensalem, J.-C. Fernandez, K. Havelund, L. Mounier. Confirmation of Deadlock Potentials Detected by Runtime Analysis. In Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging 2006 (PADTAD'06), Seattle, (USA), July 2006. (more)
- Vianney Darmaillacq, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Roland Groz, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Luc Richier. Test Generation for Network Security Rules. In TestCom'06, Pages 341-356, New York, USA, June 2006. (more)
- V. Darmaillacq, J-C. Fernandez, R. Groz, L. Mounier, J-L. Richier. Éléments de modélisation pour le test de politiques de sécurité. In Colloque sur les RIsques et la Sécurité d'Internet et des Systèmes, CRiSIS, Bourges, France, 2005. (more)
- J.C. Fernandez, L. Mounier, C. Pachon. A model-based approach for robustness testing. In TestCom 2005, Montreal, Canada, June 2005. (more)
- Jean-Claude. Fernandez, Laurent Mounier, Cyril Pachon. Property Oriented Test Case Generation. In Proceedings of FATES'03 (Satellite workshop of ASE'03), Montreal, Canada, 2003. (more)
Research Reports
- Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier Yliès Falcone. Synthesizing Enforcement Monitors wrt. the Safety-Progress Classification of Properties. Research Report Verimag, No 0, August 2008. (more) download
- Laurent Mounier, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Jean-Luc Richier Ylies Falcone. j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing. Research Report Verimag, No 0, April 2008. (more) download
- Jean-Claude Fernandez, Laurent Mounier, Jean-Luc Richier Ylies Falcone. A Partial-Specification Driven Compositional Testing Method. Research Report Verimag, No 0, October 2007. (more) download